Nobody likes to be faced with the prospect of debt collectors. Not only can the thought of the debt be overwhelming and stressful by itself, but collectors can cause those feelings to go into overdrive. This is particularly the case when you’re served papers and face a lawsuit over the debt. If the lawsuit isn’t dealt with in a reasonable manner, this can place your wages, bank finances, and other assets in jeopardy. Yet instead of letting the fear of the lawsuit take over, there are steps you can take to successfully deal with the issue. For help in that regard, here are four tips to resolve your debt collection lawsuit. Always respond Above all else, when faced with a lawsuit there is always one step you need to take: respond. When you fail to have the finances to cover the debt, you might assume there’s nothing you can do when a lawsuit notification comes your way. Ye 4 Tips for Successfully Dealing with a Debt Collection Lawsuit